Solutions to specific structural problems
- Integration of existing and future networks
- implementation of the new concession model – separation of the roles of Infrastructure Manager and Independent Railway Operator
- Completion of the regulation of the New Railway Operating Model
Road transport
- Implementation of new road concession models, with a focus on tariff modicity
- Implementation of a national benchmark and tax exemption for toll rates
- Restructuring legislation to achieve isonomic costs with long-haul shipping and international standards
- Rationalization of bureaucratic requirements
- Cost asymmetry compared to other modes
- Organizational, functional and economic restructuring of port administrations
- Implementation of a new model for dredging services
- Review of port costs and tariffs, based on efficient operating regimes
- Approval of new legislation on the multiple use of rivers – navigation, energy and water supply
- New financing model for investments and operations
- Prioritization of structural interventions
- New models for financing investments and operations
- Government planning and management of priority projects