Logistics operators

In its June issue, Tecnologística magazine published a comprehensive survey of the country’s “Logistics Operators”. Based on this survey, which covered 133 companies, we identified those that are related to our Members’ types of cargo.
They are: Abrange Logística, Adezan Logística, Apoio Logística, Brado Logística, Brucai Logística, Célere Intralogística, Cemulti – Multimodal, Concórdia Logística, Flexsil – Transportes, Gafor, Golden Cargo, GVM Solutions Brasil, JSL, Libra Logística, Luft Logistics, Manserv Logística, Quality Logística, Salvador Logística e Transportes, Support Cargo, Termaco Operações Portuárias e Logística, Transportes Pesados Minas, Usifast Logística, VBR Logística and Vix Logística.
See the technical details of each company: Operators
