ANUT presents its Priority Agenda for 2024 to the ANTT Board of Directors

ANUT, represented by Executive President Luis Baldez, presented ANTT last Tuesday (01/30/2024) with the organization’s Agenda containing the Priority Issues for national logistics users for the year 2024.

The Agency was represented by General Director Rafael Vitale, Directors Guilherme Sampaio, Luciano Lourenço and Lucas Asfor, Superintendents Ismael Trinks (Railways) and Marcelo Fonseca (Highways), as well as advisor Victor Haselmann Arakawa.

The Agenda covered issues in the road and rail sectors with a major impact on logistical efficiency, dealing with projects and thematic axes included in ANTT’s Regulatory Agenda.

The concession of the BR 381/MG highway was one of the central themes of the meeting, at which ANUT was willing to contribute to the modeling of the process in order to make the project more attractive to the investor market.

These contributions will include aspects such as risk allocation, tariff policy and engineering interventions, according to Public-Private Partnership concepts.

Other topics on the highway agenda included a proposal for a Maintenance Concession Model, an Analysis of the Evolution of Toll Rates and a way of monitoring the new cycle of concessions and renegotiations of concession contracts.

As for the rail sector, ANUT presented the following as priority issues for users: strengthening the Tripartite Commissions, regulating the concept of Adequate Service, implementing the use of Resources for Technological Development (Resolution No. 6.021/2023 – RDT) and complementing the regulation of the Railways Law (Law No. 14.273/2021).

Aspects such as regulations relating to the rejection of vetoes in the Railways Law – area of influence, right of first refusal, adjustments to authorization processes – were highlighted and will be given priority.

Finally, a concept of closer institutional ties was established between ANUT and ANTT, with periodic meetings and reciprocal technical support, so that the search for harmony of interests between users, concessionaires and the regulator can be consolidated as a practice of social participation that is fundamental to improving Brazilian logistics.

Source : ANUT
