On July 24th, ANUT, represented by its president Luis Baldez, took part in a meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agribusiness Logistics Commission (CTLOG), where the following papers were presented and debated:
. Andamento da safra 2023/2024 pela CONAB
. Situação e Projetos do Porto de Paranaguá pelo seu Presidente
. Gargalos na exportação do Café pela CECAFÉ
. Programa Navegue Simples pelo Ministério dos Portos
. Taxa de Movimentação no Terminal (THC) pela USUPORT
For this last topic (THC), a WG was set up, coordinated by ANUT and made up of CECAFÉ, USUPORT, FENOP, ABTP and ABRATEC, to analyze the regulatory and operational environment in which the topic is inserted.
Any member who wishes can participate together with ANUT.
Below are more photos from the meeting.