ANTT and MT to auction BR-381/MG, between BH and Governador Valadares, this Thursday (29/08)

Investments of R$9 billion will put an end to the nickname “highway of death”Share:


This Thursday (29/8), the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and the Ministry of Transport (MT) will hold the auction for BR-318/MG, the stretch linking Belo Horizonte to Governador Valadares, in Minas Gerais. The bids will be opened at B3, in São Paulo, from 2pm, in the presence of Minister Renan Filho and the ANTT Board of Directors.

The project

This is a 30-year concession for the highway system comprising BR-381/MG, on the stretch beginning in Belo Horizonte/MG, at the junction with BR-262/MG (towards Sabará) until the junction with BR-116/MG (Governador Valadares/MG), with a total length of 303.4 km.

The purpose of the auction is to grant a public service concession, preceded by the execution of a public work, comprising the exploitation of the infrastructure and the provision of recovery, maintenance, conservation, operation, monitoring, implementation of improvements, maintenance of the level of service and expansion of the capacity of the BR-381/MG highway system.


The highway will receive more than R$9 billion in investments (Capex and Opex). Among the planned improvements are 134.27 kilometers of widening (27.3 km of remaining work and 106.44 km of new stretches), 83 kilometers of additional lanes, 51 route corrections, as well as escape areas, 1 Stop and Rest Point (PPD) for truck drivers and 23 footbridges for pedestrians to cross.

All the municipalities that are part of this highway network will benefit from the project (directly and indirectly): Antônio Dias; Barão de Cocais; Bela Vista de Minas; Belo Horizonte; Belo Oriente; Bom Jesus do Amparo; Caeté; Coronel Fabriciano; Governador Valadares; Ipatinga; Jaguaraçu; João Monlevade; Nova União; Naque; Nova Era; Periquito; Sabará; Santa Luzia; Santana do Paraíso; São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo; Timóteo.

In addition, the concession will offer a Frequent User Discount (DUF) and the option of automatic payment for drivers, through the use of TAGs. Frequent users are those who travel stretches of the highway several times a month, such as people who live and work in nearby towns.

The concession project is expected to create 79,688 direct and indirect jobs and income.

For the call for proposals and more information about the project, click here.


Press professionals interested in covering the event should register by emailing

The auction can be followed live on ANTT’s YouTube channel.


  • What: Auction of BR-318/MG (stretch between Belo Horizonte and Governador Valadares)
  • When: Thursday (29/8), at 2 p.m.
  • Where: B3 – Rua Quinze de Novembro, 275 – Historic Center of São Paulo

Source: ANTT
