Agency approves preparatory documents for the STS08 terminal tender, located in the Port of Santos (SP)

With the delegation agreement, the port is responsible for the lease and must proceed with the process

Published on 26/08/2024 14h52

The National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ) has approved the preparatory documents for the STS08 terminal, located in the Port of Santos (SP). As a result, the port will be able to proceed with the process of leasing the area.

At the end of 2023, a delegation agreement was signed between the Agency and the Santos Port Authority (APS), which, among other functions, transfers the power to carry out the bidding procedure for leasing port facilities to the port authority.

Therefore, with the approval of ANTAQ’s Collegiate Board last Thursday (22) of the Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Study (EVTEA) and the draft public notice and lease agreement, APS is able to open public hearings and consultations for the STS08 terminal tender.

Source: ANTT
