ANUT – Associação Nacional dos Usuários do Transporte De Carga (National Association of Freight Transport Users) and IBTS – Instituto Brasileiro de Transporte Sustentável (Brazilian Institute of Sustainable Transport), as manager of PLVB® – Programa de Logística Verde Brasil (Brazil Green Logistics Program), sign this instrument of institutional support agreement, aimed at disseminating initiatives, involving the following actions:

  1. Disclosure of the ANUT logo and website link on the PLVB® website and the PLVB® logo and website link on the ANUT website, creating a mutual path to recognition of their work on sustainability in logistics;
  2. Inclusion of the PLVB® logo and website link, at ANUT’s discretion, when promoting events on sustainability in logistics.
    The same may be done in the promotional materials for events held by the PLVB®;
  3. Inform the PLVB® coordinators of any activities on sustainability in logistics that ANUT may promote.
    The same will be done for activities carried out by the PLVB® following guidelines on the communication channel to be chosen by ANUT;
  4. Publicize the implementation of activities on sustainability in logistics on their respective websites and communication channels;
  5. To publicize, whenever possible, the mutual institutional support between PLVB® and ANUT in the communication channels it participates in on issues related to sustainability in logistics.

And so, being just and agreed, ANUT and IBTS sign this agreement in 2 (two) copies of equal content, so that it may produce its effects.