GPM railroad EF 317 project presentation

On October 11, together with the Plenary Meeting, ANUT will have a presentation by CEO Paulo Salvador on the GPM EF 317 railroad project – Alcântara Port Terminal.

ANTT opens new period for contributions to review policy on minimum freight rates

The online form for carriers to participate is now available and can be filled out until September 22 The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) has started a new period for contributions to the draft revision of the National Policy on Minimum Freight Rates for Road Freight Transport (PNPM-TRC), established by Law No. 13.703/2018. Hauliers who […]

ANUT launches “Zero Fine Program”

The program aims to remove fines from members based on the following groups: Group I – Traffic Offenses –Law 9.503/1997 – Brazilian Traffic Code : 1. Peso Bruto e Peso por Eixo – Law 14.229/2021 Group II – Infringements of Other Laws >>> Aimed at protecting the transport sector / self-employed and companies 2. Vale- […]

ANUT signs support for PLVB

Last December, the President of the ANUT Board of Directors, Julio César Tôrres Ribeiro, signed an agreement to support and encourage the PLVB – Green Logistics Brazil Program, which can be viewed at This signature is the start of initiatives that are in line with ANUT’s profile and in this line we identified the […]