Auction notice for Santana terminal approved

Proposal foresees investments of around R$ 89 million


Brasília 27/10/2023 – The National Waterway Transport Agency (ANTAQ) has approved the studies and draft public notice for the lease of the port facility called MCP 03, in the Organized Port of Santana (AP). The approval took place at the Ordinary Board Meeting (ROD) on Thursday (26).

The terminal, designed to handle and store solid vegetable bulk, especially soybeans and corn, had its Technical, Economic and Environmental Feasibility Studies (Evtea) drawn up by Infra S.A. and approved by ANTAQ’s board of directors in June this year.

It is estimated that around R$89 million will be invested in the 11,680 m² brownfield area, of which R$20 million will only be spent on improving the existing infrastructure. The terminal will also have a dynamic handling capacity of one million tons

In his vote, the rapporteur for the case, director Alber Vasconcelos, made a point of talking about the contributions received on the structure of the quay and the planned dredging. Also the value established for the shiploader on pier 1, the productivity of the equipment and the reallocation of the area under lease. According to the rapporteur, the contributions did not lead to any changes in the tender, the draft public notice or the draft contract.

However, Alber stressed the need for the studies to include proof of the current technical structures in the area and the improvements that may have to be carried out to guarantee the intended operation at the site, especially the dredging of the terminal.

“With regard to the dredging of the Pier 1 berth, which is going from a height of 11.1m to 13.3m, it is imperative that the engineering studies provide interested parties with information on the capacity of the current and structural quay to support the deepening of the berth,” he said.

Once approved, the process will be sent to the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPor) for subsequent submission to the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU). Contributions will be posted on ANTAQ’s website.

Source: ANTAQ /Assessoria de comunicação
