ANUT participates in meeting at the Ministry of Transport

Yesterday (March 14, 2024), President Luis Baldez, together with ABIOVE, held a meeting with the Secretary of Railways Leonardo Ribeiro, from the Ministry of Transport, in which ANUT presented its priorities and demands for 2024. In his presentation, the president highlighted his concern about the logistical insecurity of Users, due to the reduction in the supply of rail capacity, the increase in idle stretches and the implementation of new investments in the sector. The analyses focused on the extension of concession contracts being evaluated by the Ministry and the viability of authorized railroad projects.

He also presented two (2) proposals that he considers strategic for the sector: (i) A new model for the recovery and re-operationalization of idle stretches based on the concept of a structural split and the search for a market solution for investments; and (ii) The creation of a Railway Sector Competitiveness Committee, as an environment for discussion and the search for solutions to the sector’s problems.
