ANUT participates in launch of Public Consultation for Rail and Road Sector Plans

Published on 07/05/2024 13h55 Updated on 09/05/2024 10h11


Several organizations took part in the launch of the ordinance for public consultation of the Sectoral Plans – PHOTO: Carina Leão/MT

In a joint event between the Ministry of Transport and Infra S.A., Executive Secretary George Santoro signed on Tuesday (7) the ordinance that opens a public consultation on the Rail and Road Sector Plans. Suggestions can be made from May 8 to June 22 through the Participa + Brasil platform via the links: and

“Some changes have been made to the methodology we received from the previous administration. We made improvements in terms of technical and statistical consistency. There’s a lot to improve and we’re going to make these adjustments with contributions from both organized civil society and academia,” said the executive secretary. As well as representatives from Infra S.A., the hearing was also attended by organizations such as the National Association of Freight Transport Users (ANUT), the National Association of Railway Transport (ANTF), the Brazilian Logistics Association (ABRALOG), the University of Brasilia (UnB), the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), among others.

In the words of George Santoro, the ministry is also making itself available to hold debates with more sectors. And he stresses that the trend is towards increasingly solid work with information gathering. “We’re going to start developing a data culture and we’ll soon have an ordinance to regulate this. We need to take a long-term view, have discussions by region of the country and listen to entrepreneurs from the productive sector, not just logistics, so that we can make investment decisions for 30 years from now,” he added.

Long-term planning
The Rail and Road Sector Plans aim to define the main actions for the development of the national transport system over the next decade, and are part of the 2035 National Logistics Plan (PNL). The planning stage of the PNL is expected to be completed by October this year.

The wide-ranging dialog reinforces the Ministry of Transport’s commitment to transparency, listening to the public and giving them space to point out their priorities in the formulation of public policies. In addition to the 45 days available to send in suggestions, the Undersecretariat for Promotion and Planning is also open to answering questions by e-mailing participaçã

Source: Ministry of Transport
