ANUT participates in CTLOG meeting and presents 2023 trade balance performance analysis

ANUT, represented by Executive President Luis Baldez, took part in a meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agribusiness Logistics Commission (CTLOG/MAPA) on April 24th.

Relevant topics were discussed, such as the 2023/2024 grain harvest forecast (CONAB), the Bioceanic Corridor Project (INFRA SA), DTe implementation (INFRA SA), cargo insurance (ABIOVE) and axle weight (ACEBRA).

ANUT presented the topic “Foreign Trade and Brazilian Logistics”, in which it discussed the performance of the Trade Balance in 2023, its evolution over the last 10 (ten) years, trade relations with the world, the average prices of exported products and the respective volumes involved in commercial transactions and their impact on internal logistics.

We also looked at the participation of the three sectors of the economy in exports during the period analyzed – Agribusiness, Extractive Industry and Manufacturing – and their relative contribution to the formation of the added value of exported products.

Finally, ANUT simulated under what conditions of logistics infrastructure – railroads, roads and ports – Brazil could achieve international trade of around US$ 1.0 trillion.

Full presentation at
