ANTT improves methodology for minimum freight rates

Update of Resolution No. 5,867/2020 in response to market demands

Published on 18/01/2024 15h45

The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) announced on Thursday (18), during the 973rd ANTT Board Meeting (ReDir), the conclusion of the process to update the minimum freight floors, with the implementation of improvements to the current methodology. The unfolding of this process, registered under number 50500.170554/2023-13, was conducted in response to market demands and the need for adjustments to the inputs that make up Resolution No. 5,867, of January 14, 2020.

The legislation that made it compulsory for the ANTT to publish minimum freight rates was enacted in 2018 and has since gone through several regulatory cycles to improve the methodology and take into account the variables of the road freight transportation market.

Seeking greater consistency and a technical basis, ANTT hired the University of São Paulo (USP) to improve the model. Between 2018 and 2020, regulatory cycles were carried out, each incorporating social participation and more in-depth studies, culminating in Resolution No. 5,867 of 2020.

In subsequent years, the ANTT held three public hearings, gathering input and contributions from the market. This led the agency to carry out market research in 2022 and 2023 to support the revision of the inputs.

“Last year, ANTT chose to conduct a new regulatory cycle, this time entirely in-house. With the opening of Call for Submissions No. 2, we received contributions and consulted internally with all our areas. The conclusion was the need to update inputs, meeting the market’s demand for more comprehensive and in-depth research,” explained ANTT’s general director, Rafael Vitale.


Last year, ANTT conducted market research across the country, collecting data on the market variables that make up the cost spreadsheet, with all of the country’s geographic regions represented. After reviewing the information, it proposed updates and opened Public Hearing No. 11, with the active participation of market agents.

The new resolution resulting from this process maintains the methodology consolidated by Resolution No. 5867 of 2020, but incorporates improvements, specific corrections and values updated through market research. The new coefficients impact the value of freight, ranging from 1.03 % for high-performance operations to 5.66 % for cargo and capacity operations.

This process represented a broader and deeper study, involving two new processes of participation and social control. An electronic form was implemented to collect data from all carriers and the inputs were updated through market research. The entire cycle was submitted once again to a public hearing, reinforcing transparency and social participation in the consolidation of the methodology.

“ANTT reaffirms its commitment to the constant evolution of the minimum freight rate policy, seeking to balance the needs of the market with the stability and predictability necessary for the road freight transport sector,” concluded Rafael Vitale.

Source: ANTT
