ANTT holds public hearing to discuss sustainability plan for road and rail concessions

The hearing is scheduled for June 12, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Contributions can be made between June 10 and July 24


This Monday (3/6), the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) published in an extra edition of the Official Gazette the notice of the opening of Public Hearing no. The decision was taken by the Agency’s Collegiate Board of Directors during the 983rd Redir, which aims to create a Sustainability Plan for federal road and rail concessions. The decision was unanimously approved by the Agency’s Board of Directors during the 983rd Redir, last Wednesday (29/5).

The rapporteur for the case is director Felipe Queiroz and the initiative reflects ANTT’s renewed commitment to conserving the environment, protecting biodiversity and promoting the quality of services provided to users in the sector.

The public session is scheduled for June 12, 2024, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., in a hybrid format, allowing face-to-face participation in Brasilia/DF and virtual participation through ANTT’s YouTube channel. Contributions can be made between June 10 and July 24.

The main objective is to present, discuss and collect suggestions and contributions for the draft resolution, which focuses on the implementation of a sustainability plan for federal highway and railroad concessions. This sustainability plan is aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Equator Principles, which promote sustainable practices based on the social, environmental and governance pillars.

“With a comprehensive and participatory approach, this plan is expected to promote the environmental sustainability and socio-economic development of the communities involved,” said the director of ANTT and rapporteur of the process, Felipe Queiroz.

For ANTT director Felipe Queiroz, the implementation of this Sustainability Plan marks a new chapter in the history of highway and railroad concessions in Brazil. “With a comprehensive and participatory approach, this plan is expected to promote environmental sustainability and the socio-economic development of the communities involved. ANTT is committed to closely monitoring the implementation of this plan and adjusting it as necessary to ensure its effectiveness in the short, medium and long term,” he said.

The initiative is based on the concept of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), which has gained worldwide prominence as an essential strategy for tackling climate change and generating broad and inclusive socio-environmental benefits.

ANTT’s director general, Rafael Vitale, stressed that this moment represents the Agency’s firm commitment to building a more sustainable and equitable future for land transportation in Brazil. “With solid principles, clear guidelines and effective incentive mechanisms, ANTT is paving the way for a more resilient, responsible and future-oriented sustainable infrastructure,” he said.

Implementation of the Plan

The proposed Plan aims to cover:

  • New highway and railroad infrastructure concessions.
  • Current concessions, if the concessionaires choose to adhere to the new sustainability requirements.
  • Technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies for new concession projects.

ANTT’s Board of Directors must decide whether the current concessionaires will adhere to the new sustainability obligations, if there is a need for economic and financial rebalancing of the contract.

Principles and Guidelines

The Plan’s principles include the search for an ecologically balanced environment, the prevention and mitigation of socio-environmental impacts, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the promotion of climate resilience and social responsibility.

The guidelines involve:

  • Reconciling transport infrastructure with environmental and biodiversity conservation.
  • Decarbonization of the land transport infrastructure concession sector.
  • Use of regulatory incentives to encourage adherence to the Plan.
  • Promoting infrastructure resilience in the face of extreme weather events.
  • Assertive management of socio-environmental risks.
  • Social development and support for affected communities.
  • Training and capacity building for civil servants in socio-environmental issues and good sustainability practices.
  • Establishment of rules that promote the principles of the Plan.
  • Sustainability Development Committees

In addition, specific Sustainability Development Committees (SDCs) have been set up for each mode of transportation. These committees will be responsible for defining sustainability criteria, targets and indicators for the infrastructure granted. The committees will be chaired by ANTT and will be made up of representatives from the public authorities, the land transport sector, development banks and sustainability experts. The development of “joint regulation” is being encouraged, in which the regulated and interested parties in the sectors are brought into the construction of proposals alongside ANTT, while the agency’s role is maintained.

Sustainable Performance Parameters (SPP)

These parameters were created to be observed in the new concession contracts. They are based on the Equator Principles and encompass the performance standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and include, among other things, the following aspects:

  • Assessment and management of socio-environmental risks and impacts.
  • Workers’ dignity.
  • Resource efficiency and pollution prevention.
  • Community health and safety.
  • Conservation of the environment and biodiversity.
  • Climate resilience.
  • Sustainable Development Index (SDI)

The committees will also develop the Sustainable Development Index (SDI) to monitor and encourage compliance with ANTT’s SDPs. The SDI will be based on themes such as low carbon, resilience, social and environmental aspects. This will be an essential tool for monitoring and encouraging compliance with the SDPs.


To promote sustainability, the ANTT provides for various incentives, including public recognition of concessionaires, periodic scaling and the possibility of increasing Technological Development Resources (RDT), reducing paid-in capital, scaling discounts on fines, extending the concession period and converting part of the grant amounts into sustainable investments.

Consultation and participation process

The proposal to be discussed at the public hearing is the result of a process of internal consultation and participatory meetings. Initially, a participatory meeting (No. 002/2024) was held with the affected market, whose contributions were also compiled in a simplified report, followed by internal consultation No. 02/2024, with inputs analyzed and compiled in a similar report.

The contributions obtained were analyzed and contributed to the development of the Regulatory Impact Analysis Report Version 2.0, the scope of the proposed resolution, guided by a technical note that presents this proposed regulation. These steps reinforced the importance of a transparent and collaborative process, which sought to engage various stakeholders in the formulation of sector regulations.

Thus, in accordance with current legislation, including Law No. 10.233 of June 5, 2001 and ANTT Resolution No. 6.020 of July 20, 2023, the proposal to hold the public hearing was submitted to the Board of Directors and approved. The order to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office at ANTT has already been sent, as provided for in Article 15 of the aforementioned resolution.

“ANTT reiterates its commitment to sustainability and transparent governance, promoting road and rail infrastructure management that respects and incorporates good socio-environmental practices. Holding this public hearing represents an important step along this path, allowing society to actively participate in building a more sustainable and equitable future,” concluded director Felipe Queiroz.

The public hearing will be an opportunity for all stakeholders to contribute to the development of a robust and effective sustainability plan, reflecting international best practice in ESG.


Date:June 12, 2024
Schedule:from 2pm to 6pm
Location:Brasília/DF and broadcast on ANTT’s YouTube channel
Contributions:10/06/2024 a 24/07/2024

Documents and guidelines for Public Hearing No. 4 will be available on Participantt.

Further information and clarification can be obtained by emailing

Registration form for Public Hearing 04/2024

Public hearings

For more information on the Public Hearing procedure, watch the video. To understand how to send your contributions, consult the tutorial on the ParticipANTT system.

Source : ANTT
