ANTT and Infra SA discuss infrastructure projects with XP Investimentos, Invesco and Vale

The technical and business meetings also addressed actions for the ESG agenda


ANTT and Infra SA discuss infrastructure projects with XP Investimentos, Invesco and Vale

Photo: Disclosure / AESCOM ANTT

Representatives of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and Infra SA met last week to discuss the portfolio of highway and railroad projects with the aim of boosting development and attracting new investors to Brazil’s infrastructure. The business meetings and exchange of experiences took place at the headquarters of Vale and XP Investimentos in New York.

The meeting with XP Investimentos took place on Friday (27/10) and details of the portfolio of new projects planned for 2024 were thoroughly discussed. In addition, the renegotiation of road contracts and the renewal of railroad contracts were also topics on the agenda. The aim was to strengthen partnerships and guarantee solid investments in a strategic sector for the country.

On the same day, the second meeting took place, this time with Invesco, a renowned investment fund that has projects in the infrastructure sector with a strong focus on the ESG (environmental, social and governance) agenda of the projects. During the meeting, ANTT and Infra SA presented the ESG initiatives present in studies of future concessions and in the contracts recently signed by the Agency. These contracts already include mechanisms for reducing social impact and consider ESG aspects, in line with growing environmental and social concerns in infrastructure projects.

ANTT and Infra SA are looking to establish solid partnerships with international investors to boost infrastructure development in Brazil, while embracing the principles of sustainability. These meetings in New York marked an important step towards attracting new bidders for upcoming new projects. By 2024, the Agency will be awarding a series of innovative and sustainable concessions, contributing significantly to Brazil’s economic growth, job creation and social well-being.

Source: ANTT / Special Communications Office
