ANTT and Ministry of Transportation announce increase in concessions for 2024

For the Director General, Rafael Vitale, holding more auctions will promote the development of infrastructure and increase social and economic benefits

ANTT and Ministry of Transportation announce increase in concessions for 2024

Photo: Disclosure

The year 2023 closed with a positive balance for the recovery and development of land transportation in the country. This success paves the way for even more expressive results this year, according to data presented on Wednesday (10/01) during a press conference held by the Ministry of Transport in Brasilia.

The Director General of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), Rafael Vitale, highlighted the synergy with government bodies to further leverage solutions for the development of transport infrastructure for the year 2024. “The ANTT is committed and in agreement with the other bodies involved, such as the Ministry of Transport, Infra S.A., the Federal Court of Auditors and Ibama, to carry out the planned auctions and promote the development of infrastructure, guarantee jobs and accelerate the economy,” he said.

According to the data presented, the optimization of highway contracts amounts to R$110 billion in investments. This year, for example, Brazil plans to carry out 13 concessions (see the table below) in the area of land transport, attracting around R$122 billion for the necessary investments in the areas of highways and railroads.

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BR-040/MG | BH – Juiz de ForaBR-381/MG | BH – Valadares
BR-364/GO/MT | Rio Verde (GO) Rondonópolis (MT)BRs-153/262/GO/MG
BR-040/MG/GO | Belo Horizonte (MG) – Cristalina (GO)BR-262/MG | Uberaba – Betim
BRs-070/174/364/MT/RO Vilhena (RO)-Cuiabá (MT)BR-040/MG/RJ | Juiz de Fora (MG) – Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
BRs-060/452/GO | Rio Verde – Goiânia – ItumbiaraBRs-369/373/376/PR and PRs-170/232/445/090Lot 3 in Paraná
BR-364/RO Porto Velho – VilhenaBRs-163/277/PR and PRs-158/180/182/280/483Paraná Lot 6

The positive balance was celebrated by the Minister of Transport, Renan Filho, who during the meeting also thanked the Director General of ANTT for his dedication, as well as the entire collegiate board and staff of the Agency. “In 2023, we increased investments, improved the road network, as well as strengthening the conditions for increasing the contribution of private resources in Brazil, with the possibility of optimizations and auctions that will dialogue more with the needs of our infrastructure,” he said.

Source: ANTT
