ANTT outlines routes for an increasingly connected, sustainable and safe future for federal highway concessions

In the segment of concession roads, the figures for 2023 show an extension of thousands of kilometers, as well as significant challenges and impacts that are increasingly improving the services and assistance provided to land transport users on the concession roads under ANTT regulation and inspection. The Yearbook of the Road Infrastructure Superintendence of the National Land Transport Agency (SUROD/ANTT) provides a detailed diagnosis and valuable insights into the current panorama, with notable increases in various metrics. The challenge now is to understand all the directions that these figures represent in practice and how managers will direct their decision-making.

One of the highlights is the significant increase in traffic along the more than 13,000 kilometers of highways granted throughout Brazil. From January to December last year, the 24 concessionaires handled 11.7% more traffic than the previous year. This expansion reflects both economic growth and increased mobility, indicating the importance of these roads for national connectivity and mobility.

Another significant advance was in the infrastructure and services along the highways under concession. Of the existing assets, there are 1,224 bridges and 634 footbridges, as well as more than 8,000 kilometers of asphalt improvement works, duplications, third lanes, among others. With this, ANTT strengthens its role in promoting safety and efficiency in land transportation. In addition, the Agency continues to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability with the 36 electric car refueling stations along the highways, meeting the growing demand for more environmentally friendly mobility solutions.

In addition, there are 35 vehicle weighing points and 272 Operational Services Bases, contributing to the scope of ANTT’s operations in guaranteeing the integrity of the roads and providing essential services to the highway community. There is also an extensive network of monitoring cameras (CCTV), covering almost half of the highways granted throughout the country (48.93%), significant investments in infrastructure and technology are increasing and more constant to meet current needs, ensuring greater safety and user satisfaction.

Another important statistic is the average time taken by the concessionaires for medical and mechanical assistance, which is 10 and 16 minutes, respectively. The constant search for efficiency, improvement and refinement in these types of services is fundamental for user satisfaction, preserving lives and maintaining traffic fluidity.

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Action plans for the future: sustainability and efficiency

Faced with these challenges, the concessionaires are adjusting their strategies for the future, working in partnership with ANTT. Action plans include expanding investments in technology to improve road safety, implementing preventive maintenance programs and partnerships with health and public safety agencies/institutions to strengthen medical care services and the safety of those who use the toll roads throughout the country.

The search for operational efficiency and sustainability is also on the horizon, with the expansion of electric filling stations for cars and increased fiber coverage. In addition, the most recent concessions already have 4G internet coverage, which will be extended to all the highways under concession. These initiatives will help to increase and improve service to users, as well as ensuring that the concession roads are increasingly safe, efficient and in line with the country’s needs.

“The increase in road concession statistics in 2023 brings with it complex challenges, but also opportunities for innovation and improvement. This is proof that the concession model is indeed the best way forward for sustainable and safe roads. The road ahead requires an integrated and integrative approach, with strategic investments and collaboration between the public and private sectors to ensure that the country’s roads continue to be an engine for development, guaranteeing safety and the well-being of users,” said ANTT director general Rafael Vitale.

Source: ANTT
