New toll payment rules on federal highways to be regulated by ANTT

The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) is in the process of regulating the implementation of toll payments via PIX, credit and debit cards in all toll plazas on federal highways throughout Brazil. This move comes in response to Ordinance No. 241, of March 6, 2024, from the Ministry of Transport, which aims to promote the diversity of payment methods in these areas.

Although the ordinance was published in the Federal Official Gazette on March 8, it requires additional regulations from the ANTT to come into force. The Agency is working within the 90-day deadline set out in the publication to ensure that the proposed guidelines are put into effect.

It is important to note that concessionaires have already adopted semi-automatic payment systems on their own initiative. With the regulation, all federal highways will be obliged to accept multiple forms of payment, providing users with more options and convenience.

It is not yet possible to predict the date of publication of the rules on toll collection, since the document with specific regulations is being discussed and drawn up by ANTT, which has already received the guidelines from the Ministry of Transport.

As soon as they are made official, the information will be widely disseminated to concessionaires and the general public, ensuring transparency and facilitating the transition to the new payment methods.

Source: ANTT
