Public hearing for the VDC04 terminal, located in the Port of Vila do Conde (PA), is set

Brasília, 19/03/2024 – The National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ) has set the date for Public Hearing 01/2024, aimed at receiving contributions, subsidies and suggestions for improving the technical and legal documents relating to the bidding process for the lease of port terminal VDC04, located in the Port of Vila do Conde (PA).

The terminal is intended for the handling and storage of solid mineral bulk. The hearing will take place on April 1, 2024, starting at 2:30 p.m., according to Resolution 21/2024 published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) on Tuesday (19/03).

Dynamics of the Hearing
The entire public hearing will be broadcast on the Agency’s YouTube channel. No registration is required to attend the virtual session.

Those interested in speaking out should register via the Whatsapp messaging app at (61) 2029-6940, and can send their contribution by video, audio or even in writing. The registration period will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on March 29, 2024.

They can also express their interest by entering the meeting room created in the “Teams” application. To do this, when registering, the interested party must indicate this and send their Teams login email address to be invited to enter the room in turn.

The legal drafts and technical documents relating to the public hearing are available at this link.

The period for written contributions runs until 11:59 p.m. on April 3, 2024, exclusively by means of the electronic form available on ANTAQ’s website, and contributions sent by other means will not be accepted.

Digital images such as maps, plans and photos may only be attached via email: provided the contributor is identified and within the time limit stipulated in this notice. Sending the attachment by email does not dispense with sending the written contribution on the electronic form.

If the interested party does not have the necessary resources to send their contribution using the electronic form, they can do so using the computer at the General Secretariat (SGE) of this Agency, in Brasília/DF, or at its Regional Units, whose addresses are available on ANTAQ’s website.

Source: ANTAQ
