R$5 Billion Investment in Road Infrastructure by São Paulo Government Boosts Development and Employment

Celebrating 90 Years, DER-SP Catalyzes Progress with Extensive Road Works

This article was based on information provided by the Government of São Paulo and the Department of Highways (DER/SP) on 07/02/2024.

In an ongoing effort to improve the state’s logistics infrastructure, the Government of São Paulo, under the management of the Department of Highways (DER/SP), completed an impressive 322 road and highway projects between January 2023 and May 2024. This ambitious project, which totaled an investment of R$5.25 billion, not only revitalized more than 13,000 kilometers of state road network, but also generated a substantial number of jobs, directly benefiting more than 31 million inhabitants of the municipalities involved.

Since it was founded in July 1934, DER-SP has been a pillar in the maintenance and modernization of state roads. In the last 17 months, the entity has been responsible for creating more than 50,000 direct and indirect jobs through its initiatives. Among the R$5.25 billion invested, R$1.65 billion was earmarked for 96 significant improvement works on state highways, covering almost 1,200 km of roads. In addition, R$3.6 billion was allocated to 226 works on approximately 3,000 kilometers of side roads.

Sergio Codelo, superintendent of the DER, emphasizes the department’s mission: “Our goal is to persist in the maintenance, modernization and recovery of the state road network, with the aim of providing greater safety and logistical efficiency for all sectors of São Paulo’s economy.”

Among the notable works recently completed is the paving and modernization of the SGT 999 Vicinal Road, near Piracicaba, a crucial area for the Santa Gertrudes Ceramic Industrial Pole, which accounts for 92% of the sector’s production in the state. Another significant project was the modernization of more than 11 kilometers of the Aroeira Vicinal Road, which facilitates the flow of agricultural production and boosts local economic development.

In addition, in March, the ASS-050 side road in Assis was paved, with an investment of R$12.5 million, benefiting 101,000 inhabitants and supporting the transportation of agricultural products such as sugar cane and grains.

The state government is currently working on more than 100 projects on municipal roads and state highways, with an additional investment of R$3.2 billion. Highlights include the paving of the stretch between Batatais, Franca and Restinga of the Rio Negro and Solimões highway (SP-336) and the construction of a new access interchange to the municipality of Olímpia, a tourist hub known for the Thermas dos Laranjais water park.

