ANUT holds seminar on “Agenda 2030: Challenges of Brazilian Logistics for International Competitiveness”

Last Thursday (8/8), in Brasilia, the seminar “Agenda 2030: Challenges of Brazilian Logistics for International Competitiveness” was held. The main auditorium of the CNI – National Confederation of Industry welcomed more than 200 people who followed important debates on logistical efficiency from the shipper’s point of view for the country’s development. The storage deficit, the competitiveness of waterways and ports, the bottlenecks and demands of road and rail were some of the issues addressed by technicians, executives, public authorities and specialists in the sector.

The opening ceremony was attended by Rafael Lucchesi, director of Industrial Development at CNI, Andre M Nassar, executive president of ABIOVE, Luis Baldez, executive president of ANUT – National Association of Freight Transport Users, Alex Orestes Novello, director of ACEBRA – Association of Cereal Companies in Brazil, Felipe Augusto Machado, deputy secretary for Industrial Development, Innovation, Trade and Services at MDIC, and Jorge Bastos, CEO of Infra S.A.

On this occasion, Daniel Furlan Amaral, ABIOVE’s Director of Economics and Regulatory Affairs, representing the sectoral entities, presented the “Brazil 2030 Letter: users’ position on Brazilian logistics”, a manifesto of full support for public policies that lead to economic growth, sustainable and socially balanced development, increased systemic competitiveness of the economy and the strengthening of representative democracy. Afterwards, two panels presented slightly more technical approaches to the formatting of public policies for the efficiency of Brazil’s logistics and infrastructure, the panorama of the main modes of transportation, planning, investments, demands and projects.

The panel on the storage deficit and the competitiveness of waterways and ports featured Frederico Bussinger, managing partner of Katálysis , Eduardo Nery, director-general of ANTAQ – the National Waterway Transportation Agency, Dino Antunes Dias Batista, National Secretary for Waterways at the Ministry of Ports and Airports, and moderated by André Nassar. The panel on road and rail logistics featured Bernardo Figueiredo, president of TAV Brasil, former director-general of ANTT and former president of EPL, Luiz Antonio Pagot, president of the Infrastructure Commission of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front and former director of DNIT, and Rafael Vitale, director-general of the National Land Transport Agency ANTT, moderated by Luis Baldez.

Below are photos and videos of the event.
