ANTT launches survey to update the Minimum Floor for Road Freight Transportation

The form must be completed by August 30th. Response time is five minutes

On Tuesday (20/8), the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) launched a survey to improve the National Policy on Minimum Freight Floors for Road Transport (PNPM-TRC), which seeks to revise Resolution No. 5,867/2020, which defines the general rules, methodology and coefficients for minimum freight floors.

The survey is part of the 7th regulatory cycle, which began with Call for Subsidies No. 3/2024. As part of this process, the Agency will conduct a market survey of carriers registered with the National Register of Road Freight Carriers (RNTRC). The aim is to collect up-to-date data on the sector’s operating costs, including vehicle maintenance costs and daily and overnight expenses.

The initiative aims to ensure that the prices charged for road freight transport are fair and appropriate to current economic conditions, as provided for in the PNPM-TRC, as well as being an important opportunity for all those involved to contribute their opinions and suggestions, helping to shape the sector’s future guidelines.

The electronic form is now available and must be completed by August 30th. There are 10 questions in all and the average response time is five minutes.

“The participation of all hauliers is essential to ensure that the new minimum floor values reflect real market conditions, ensuring adequate remuneration for all those involved in road freight transport,” stressed ANTT’s director-general, Rafael Vitale.

>>> To take part, fill in the form here <<<

National Minimum Floor Policy for Road Freight Transportation

Established by Law No. 13,703 on August 8, 2018, the National Policy on Minimum Floors for Road Freight Transport aims to ensure that the amounts established at least cover the operating costs of road freight transport throughout Brazil, ensuring fair remuneration for hauliers.

Based on Resolution No. 5,867/2020, which defines the methodology for calculating the minimum floors, the Agency carries out periodic reviews of these values, called “regulatory cycles”. These cycles are fundamental to adjusting the policy to the realities of the market, taking into account cost fluctuations, especially related to the price of diesel.

Source: ANTT
