ANTAQ approves public consultation for resolution establishing criteria for chartering EBNs

The period for contributions runs from September 9, 2024 to October 23, 2024. The date of the public hearing will be set in due course


The National Waterway Transportation Agency (ANTAQ) has approved the opening of public hearings and consultations with a view to obtaining input to improve the proposed revision of Normative Resolution 01/2025.

The regulation deals with the procedures and criteria for chartering a vessel by a Brazilian shipping company in port support, maritime support, cabotage and long-haul navigation.

The legal drafts and technical documents relating to the public hearing will be available at this link shortly. The period for contributions to Public Hearing 11/2024 will be from September 9, 2024 until 11:59 p.m. on October 23, 2024. The date of the virtual session will be set in due course.

Contributions must be made exclusively by means of the electronic form available on ANTAQ’s website, and contributions sent by other means will not be accepted.

Digital images such as maps, plans and photos may only be attached via email: provided the contributor is identified and within the time limit stipulated in this notice. Sending the attachment by email does not dispense with sending the written contribution on the electronic form.

If the interested party does not have the necessary resources to send their contribution using the electronic form, they can do so using the computer at the General Secretariat (SGE) of this Agency, in Brasília/DF, or at its Regional Units, whose addresses are available on ANTAQ’s website.

ARR proposal

During the meeting, in order to bring the ARR into line with the Federal Government’s Guidelines for Preparing Regulatory Outcome Assessments, ANTAQ’s Board of Directors also approved a proposal to regulate the minimum content of ARRs.

The public consultation, which aimed to obtain contributions, subsidies and suggestions for improving the regulatory proposal, took place between December 2023 and January 2024. The public hearing was held on December 19, 2023.

Source: ANTAQ
