Meetings July 17 in São Paulo

35th Plenary Meeting Road Transport PL 1428:
Click here PL 1428 Substitute Amendment:
Click here PLC 20/2018:
ClickhereRailTransport: ANUT ANTT Dependent User Proposal Letter:
Click here Proposal ANUT Plenary Meeting of May 23, 2018:
Click here ANUT Proposal Accessory Operations:
Click here Resolution No. 3,694:
Click here ANTT Accessory Operations Letter:
Click here ANUT Accessory Operations Presentation:
Click here Proposal to revise the ANTT Regulatory Agenda 2017/2018: ClickhereWater Transport: ANTAQ Circular Letter No. 02/2018:
Click here Usuport Contribution ANTAQ Public Hearing:
Click here 6th Highways WG Meeting PLC 20/2018: Click here

